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2024-10-11 06:48:01 点击量:938

本文摘要:Uber will acquire a portion of Microsoft’s maps technology and extend employment offers to around 100 engineers on Microsoft’s mapping team, the ride-hailing company said on Monday.优步(Uber)于周一宣告,将并购一部分微软公司(Microsoft)的地图技术,并向微软公司地图团队的约100名工程师获取工作机会。

Uber will acquire a portion of Microsoft’s maps technology and extend employment offers to around 100 engineers on Microsoft’s mapping team, the ride-hailing company said on Monday.优步(Uber)于周一宣告,将并购一部分微软公司(Microsoft)的地图技术,并向微软公司地图团队的约100名工程师获取工作机会。Uber would not discuss the terms of the acquisition, which will bring it a data site outside Boulder, Colo., as well as cameras, image-analysis software and a license to the intellectual property.并购将为其带给一个在科罗拉多州博尔德城外的数据中心,以及摄像头、图像分析软件和知识产权许可。优步会辩论并购的明确条款。

“Mapping is at the heart of what makes Uber great,” Kristin Carvell, a company spokeswoman, said in a statement. “We’ll continue to work with partners, as well as invest in our own technology, to build the best possible experience for riders and drivers.”“地图对于优步的顺利来说至关重要,”公司发言人克里丝汀·卡维尔(Kristin Carvell)在一份声明中说道。“我们将之后与合作伙伴合作,同时投资我们自己的技术,为乘客和司机带给有可能的最佳体验。

”The deal, which was first reported by the technology blog TechCrunch, is the latest move in Uber’s quest to strengthen its mapping research efforts.这一协议最先由科技博客TechCrunch报导,是优步在强化其地图技术研究成果方面的最新进展。Although most Uber services rely on digital maps, much of its interest in mapping is focused on how to improve its carpooling service, UberPool. While Uber relies heavily on mapping technology from Apple, Baidu and especially Google, the company has taken strides to bring as much mapping expertise in-house as possible.尽管大部分优步的服务倚赖数字地图,但它在地图方面的主要兴趣集中于在如何提高其拼车服务——UberPool。

尽管优步相当严重倚赖苹果、百度,特别是在是谷歌的地图技术,但这家公司已在尽量多地在发展自己的地图专业技术。In March, Uber acquired deCarta, a mapping technology start-up. Uber has also aggressively pursued mapping engineering talent throughout Silicon Valley.3月,优步并购了一家地图技术创业公司deCarta。同时,还在硅谷找寻地图工程方面的人才。

And for months, Uber has been avidly competing to buy Nokia Here, the mapping division of the Finnish technology giant, in a deal that could be valued at up to $4 billion, according to several people with direct knowledge of the matter. A small number of bidders are still circling Nokia’s business, according to these people, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the negotiations were not public.数月以来,优步十分大力地竞购芬兰科技巨头诺基亚(Nokia)的地图部门诺基亚Here。据几位对此事有第一手消息的人士透漏,协议金额有可能高达40亿美元。据这几位人士透漏,为数不多的竞标者仍在垂涎诺基亚的业务。他们不不愿透漏姓名,因为谈判并不是公开发表的。

Despite interest from tech companies like Uber and a number of private equity firms, however, a consortium of German automakers — which rely on the mapping unit’s technology for their in-car services — are believed to be in the pole position to land the Nokia division, the people added.这几位人士补足称之为,尽管有优步这样的科技公司和一众投资基金股权公司对这一项目感兴趣,一个由德国汽车制造商构成的财团据信将在并购诺基亚地图部门的竞争中正处于不利方位,这些厂商的车载系统倚赖地图公司的技术。In a statement, Microsoft said the deal on Monday was part of a broader strategy to focus on its core products.在一份声明中,微软公司称之为周一的协议合乎其将重点移往至核心产品的大战略。

“In keeping with these efforts, we will no longer collect mapping imagery ourselves,” the company said, “and instead will continue to partner with premium content and imagery providers for underlying data while concentrating our resources on the core user experience. With this decision, we will transfer many of our imagery-acquisition operations to Uber.”“为了与这些希望保持一致,我们将仍然自律搜集地图影像,”公司称之为,“作为替代,我们将之后与优质内容和影像提供商合作以取得底层数据,并将资源集中于到核心用户体验上。基于这一要求,我们将把我们大量的影像提供业务出让给优步。



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